Thursday, February 28, 2008

Enquiries Officer ...Int.Feb.28/08/10am

Working Title
Enquiries Officer
Position Number
Reports to Position No., Class & Level
Division, Branch/Unit

Tax and Revenue Administration

Present Classification
Requested Classification
Finance 1
Dept ID
Program Code
Project Code (if applicable)
PURPOSE: Give a brief summary of the job, covering the main responsibilities, the framework within which the job has to operate and the main contribution to the organization (see Section 2.3).
Incumbent is responsible for:
Answering enquiries and providing appropriate and accurate information to the public and TRA clients on all TRA tax and rebate programs, educating them regarding their rights and obligations,
Promoting awareness of fair and equitable application of all program legislation, TRA’s policies and procedures,
Resolving specific account enquiries, including initiating the appropriate action and / or processing financial accounting transactions for all TRA tax and rebate programs.

This results in TRA clients and the public having a better understanding of TRA and its programs as well as ensuring fair and equitable treatment of all clients in accordance with the applicable legislation, TRA policies and procedures.

RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACTIVITIES: The purpose of the job can be broken down in different responsibilities and end results. Each end result shows what the job is accountable for, within what framework and what the added value is. Normally a job has 4-8 core end results. For each end result, approximately 3 major activities should be described (see Sections 2.1 and 2.2).
While providing information or responding to clients enquiries, the officer will review the basis of the TRA action, analyze the data (financial and otherwise) used to assess the accuracy of the action, evaluate additional information provided in the enquiry, determine whether corrective action is required, and initiate the appropriate action. Risk relates to exposure or potential for loss of revenue either by providing the wrong information to the public, processing inappropriate accounting adjustments or reimbursements, or exposure by incorrectly handling requests for address changes or replacement AITE cards. Therefore, the officer does the following:

1. Accurate entitlement (compliance & legislation):
· ensures correct amount is refunded or reimbursed to qualifying clients through the officer’s analysis,
· Ensures accuracy of the different tax rolls, initiating adjustments to TRA’s registry as necessary,

2. Accurate assessment:
· Ensures correct assessment of corporate and commodity tax returns,
· Ensures accuracy of the tax rolls of the different programs administered,
· Administers programs on behalf of stakeholder community (e.g. assess the accuracy of the interest and penalty imposed under the Health Cost Recovery program administered for Alberta Health Department).

3. Accurate data base:
· Process non-routine accounting adjustments (transfers of funds between accounts and/or tax year ends, penalty reversals, interest adjustments, reimbursements), account reconciliation’s at the client level,
· Initiates required revisions to TRA’s registry and processing data, including cancelling and reissuing AITE cards,
· Performs investigative analysis of specified accounts

4. Analyze and determine program condition/performance
· Identifies specific areas of client (dis) satisfaction (e.g. efficiencies or delays from a specific process, for a specific program, as a result of clients’ enquiries); collects information and statistics on TRA programs (e.g. the number of enquiries on a specific issue in a program, to determine whether special notices or revised information circulars addressing those issues are required); or gather information from discussion with clients on industry trends (e.g. for the trucking: the different types of fuel used, the different arrangements (owner vehicle, independent contractors, etc), or the trend in sulphur content required in vehicles, etc).
· Compiles statistics from the above to determine areas for improvement.

5. More informed stakeholder community
· Responds to written, telephone and in-person enquiries of varying complexity from all TRA clients for all TRA programs. Such enquiries may include different program eligibility and requirements, explanation of basis of assessment/rebate amounts, reasons for refusal, interest and penalty charged, reconciliation of accounts, etc. In responding to the enquiries, the officer will be required to determine the client’s needs and initiate contact (by phone or letter) to identify discrepancies, clarify inconsistencies, research the appropriate legislation and program guidelines, identify the information and forms required to be submitted, analyse account activity, previously filed returns/claims and supporting documentation, review the basis for assessment/refunds, carry out calculations to verify information; process appropriate accounting transactions, revise registry/processing data or initiate reassessing action, place stop payments on cheques issued by TRA, determine the requirement for completion of a statutory declaration or arrange for the issuance of replacement cheques. In some cases, the officer may be required to manually rework the complete tax return/claim form or reconstruct the account in question.
· Educates and explains to the public all the different TRA programs, relating policies and procedures, specific rights (e.g. objection process) and obligations (e.g. licensing requirements). The above can be done through written or telephone replies, or discussion/provision of the relevant program information circulars or interpretation bulletins including providing interpretation and application of legislation under the specific circumstances as described, to the public. The above may also involve discussing specific requirements by the program to ensure compliance.
· Communicates findings and decisions, orally or in writing, to clients in a clear and timely manner, including preparing statements of account for reconciliation and providing interest details calculation to clients.
· May also be required to draft or edit forms and external publications being released to the public, and arrange for printing and distribution.

In response to client enquiries, the officer also

6. Collects revenues:
· Ensures the filing of tax returns and payment of instalments and outstanding balances for corporate and commodity taxes, considers and processes reimbursement requests from clients,
· Assists in investigation, location, review and analysis of taxpayer/collector records.

7. Ensures TRA accountability to government/stakeholders (appropriate rationale documentation)
· Prepare working papers and reports supported by sufficient and appropriate documentation to support decisions and findings. These will be required for referral to other TRA sections for their action; providing an audit trail in case of further enquiries or objections; and may be required by the Auditor General, other government departments or during legal actions.

8. Makes TRA more efficient and effective through the analysis of the types of enquiries, makes recommendations for improvement to policy, procedures and legislation, forms and publications.

SCOPE: List specific information that illustrates what internal or external areas the job impacts, and the diversity, complexity, and creativity of the job (see Section 2.4).
Responds to telephone, written and in-person enquiries from the public and TRA clients for TRA programs, initiating the appropriate action. Programs administered by TRA include:
· Alberta Corporate Tax Act – Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Program, Alberta Royalty Tax Credit (ARTC) Program, Royalty Credit for Individual and Trusts (RCIT), Insurance Corporations Tax (ICT).
· Alberta Fuel Tax Act – Fuel Tax programs for Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs), Bulk Dealers, Propane (LPG) Dealers; International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA); Alberta Indian Tax Exemption (AITE); Fuel Tax Rebates under the Alberta Farm Fuel Benefit (AFFB), Tax Exemption Fuel Users (TEFU) and Percentage Rebate Off-road Program (PROP) programs.
· Alberta Tobacco Tax Act – tobacco tax returns and refunds; AITE program
· Alberta Tourism Levy Act – levy on hotel/motel rooms and other accommodations.
· Health Cost Recovery program administered for the Alberta Health Department.
· Other programs developed and administered by TRA.

Enquiries cover a variety of issues including information on all TRA programs (e.g. registration procedures, assessments, refunds, adjustments, objections, etc), and specific account information (e.g. basis for TRA’s (re) assessment or payment allocation).

To respond to specific account enquiries, the officer may be required to independently review and explain the basis of the particular TRA decision in relation to the relevant legislation, TRA policy or procedure; initiate corrective action (e.g. reassessment, adjustment to registry); or make appropriate accounting entries to adjust interest or penalty, or to issue reimbursements. Officers must be familiar with TRA’s processing system restrictions, to recognize exception cases that require corrective action. The officers must be multifunctional and maintain a good working knowledge of all programs and processes.

Impacts stakeholders – Such enquiries may come from taxpayers, tax collectors, claimants, their representatives (e.g. lawyers and accountants), general public, other government departments (e.g. Agriculture), private enterprise partners (e.g. IBM) or internal TRA staff, with different interests and varying degrees of knowledge on the issues. Therefore, excellent communication skills are required

While the officer operates within the framework of TRA’s guidelines, policies and procedures, due to the diversity in the nature of enquiries, complete documented procedures for handling each different situation cannot be provided. As a result, a high degree of independence and good judgement are required to determine the type of information to be provided, how to provide the information, whether corrective action (e.g. reassessment, possible interest adjustment, or waiver of penalty, is required); whether other follow up action (e.g. change in procedure or policy) should be recommended. Decisions involving a variety of different situations are also made on a daily basis. These decisions might be required right at the time the telephone enquiries are handled. Impact to TRA might include misinforming the public; public complaints to elected officials regarding delay of action, unfair application of legislation, policy or procedure; waivers of interest or penalty; processing errors; TRA’s image, etc; if enquiries are not handled properly and in a timely manner.

· Tact in dealing with potentially irate callers and in-person visitors is needed.
· Might refer difficult or complex enquiries to the Review Officer or Senior Enquiries Officer for input, decision and/or handling, but reports directly to the Manager, Information Services.
· Plans and organizes day-to-day work and manages workload with minimal supervision. Completed work is checked on a random basis. The officer may also perform peer reviews of recommendations of other Tax Officer I officers. The recommendations must require the approval of the Review Officer or higher (Senior Enquiries Officer or manager, Information Services).
· Assists team/projects in review/work efforts as required.

KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES: Provide a list of the most important knowledge factors, skills and abilities including knowledge about practical procedures, specialized techniques, etc.; analytical and conceptual skills and abilities; and skills needed for direct interaction with others not only diplomas and degrees. Specific training if it is an occupational certification/registration required for the job.
Knowledge of provincial and federal legislation and policies
Ability to interpret supporting documentation including financial statements and make decision on the appropriate action required to answer the enquiry
Knowledge of all TRA operational areas, their policies and processes
Knowledge of the processing systems and rules (e.g. IMAGIS, client server, imaging and workflow systems).
Knowledge of program risk criteria and the ability to apply per defined procedures
Knowledge of industry conditions and trends
Knowledge of generally accepted and government accounting requirements
Knowledge of tax, interest and penalty calculations
Ability to interpret/apply legislation
Analytical skills
Familiarity with the general responsibilities of other tax or business related agencies, various consumer assistance and registry services
Awareness of audit principles
Problem solving skills
Customer focus
Oral and written communication skills
Computer skills e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint

CONTACTS: The main contacts of this position and the purpose of those contacts.

SUPERVISION EXERCISED: List position numbers, class titles, and working titles of positions directly supervised.

CHANGES SINCE LAST CLASSIFICATION REVIEW: This section is not required to be completed if the job description is being written for the conversion to PREP. It should be completed for any subsequent classification requests under PREP.

ORGANIZATION CHART: An organization chart that includes supervisor, peers and staff MUST be attached.

This information is being collected under the authority of Section 10 of the Public Service Act and will be used to allocate positions within a classification plan and to manage the Alberta government human resources program. If you have any questions about the collection of this information, contact the Compensation Manager, 6th Floor, Peace Hills Trust Tower, 10011 ‑ 109 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 3S8, phone 408-8400 or contact your Ministry Human Resource Office.


The signatures below indicate that the incumbent, manager and division director/ADM have read, discussed and agreed that the information accurately reflects the work assigned.

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